In applying for membership, you affirm your understanding and support for the Purposes of the Native American Indian Association of Tennessee. Anyone regardless of Tribal affiliation can become a member and support NAIA.
Please read the NAIA Purposes below. When you have finished reading, complete the form with your information.
There are 3 options for membership:
1 Become a voting NAIA Member for $10/year.
2 Become a NAIA Associate member for $10/year.
3 Become a Lifetime NAIA Member for a one-time donation of $500 or more.
Submit electronic payment below via PayPal. (PayPal account not required).

The Native American Indian Association of Tennessee, Inc. (NAIA) is a service organization that believes in self-determination and was formed on October 2, 1982 with a commitment to helping people (Indian, Native American). Our purposes include the following:
1 To raise the level of consciousness of the non-Indian populations in the State of Tennessee to a fuller awareness of the past history and current status of Native American Indians by sponsoring, promoting and conducting seminars, institutes, education programs and public information activities.
2 To sponsor, promote and conduct programs to research on subjects related to American Indians.
3 To sponsor, promote and provide social services and other forms of assistance to American Indians who are in need.
4 To locate public and private agencies which can provide health, education, welfare, employment and other services to Native American Indian people in the state of Tennessee, and to advise and assist Native American Indian people in obtaining and utilizing such services.
5 To assist Native American Indians and persons of Native American Indian descent in learning of and obtaining the benefits of those programs, services, rights and privileges to which they and their Native American Indian tribes are or may be entitled under the laws and treaties of the United States of America.