Halito. Kirsten Solomon is twenty-five years old and resides in Jackson, TN with her mother. She is a proud member of the Mississippi Band of Choctaw Indians and the 2023-2024 Miss NAIA Powwow Princess. Kirsten has always taken pride in her Indigenous heritage, believing it is crucial for her community to remain steadfast and demonstrate their determination. She advocates for integrating more of their culture into daily life, such as wearing beaded jewelry, ribbon skirts, or moccasins. Kirsten recently began crafting her own ribbon skirts and creating them for friends and family. It was her mother who assisted her in making her first ribbon skirt. Her mother constantly encourages her to excel and to persist in practicing. She lends her help with much of the sewing, primarily because Kirsten considers herself slower than a turtle and a perfectionist. This journey has been a healing process for both Kirsten and her mother, and Kirsten acknowledges she wouldn’t be where she is today without her mother’s support.