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Justin Mihtukwsun is a woodland style flute player from the Stockbridge-Munsee Mohican Nation. His practice of playing the flute focuses on interconnection and the relation of all things, a Native way of knowing and being. It is a blended practice of spiritual relation, self relation, relationship to others and relationship to the natural world.

Justin earned a Bachelor’s of Science in Communications at The University of Tennessee and has worked as a high school history teacher. The lessons of the flute have been passed down to him from Anishinaabe elders through his father Bill Miller, an awarded recording artist, composer and cultural ambassador. Justin’s work explores the ways that we share knowledge across generations and the dynamic interplay of traditional wisdom from the past with imaginative and innovative futurism.

Justin’s dynamic approach to his art is perhaps best represented by the Mohican tribe’s symbol titled, “Many Trails,” which represents the values of endurance, strength and hope in spite of – or perhaps because of forced uprooted-ness.

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